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Annotation:Mother Goose (1)

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X:1 T:Mother Goose [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 B:Graupner - A Collection of Country Dances and Cotillions (Boston, c. 1808, No. 4) B:https://www.loc.gov/resource/musm1a1.10079.0/?sp=2&r=-0.027,0.593,1.13,0.647,0 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C G|c2c TcBc|d2g e2c|cBc A2d|B2G GAB| c2c TcBc|d2g e2c|ABc Bgf|e2c c2:| |:c|e2g gfe|f2a agf|e2g gec|Bdd dgf| edc cBA|GEG cde|Afe dgf|e2c c2:|

MOTHER GOOSE [1]. AKA and see "Grandmother's Pet," "Jig (53)," "Oscar Woods' Jig." English, American, Irish; Jig (6/8 time). C Major: G Major (Cahusac). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. A jig of unknown provenance. The tune was printed, along with directions for a country dance, by Boston music publisher G. Graupner in his A Collection of Country Dances and Cotillions for the piano forte (c. 1808, No. 4). A version was entered as an untitled jig in Book 3 of the large c. 1883 music manuscript collection of County Leitrim piper and fiddler biography:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) (for which see "Jig (53)"). In the late 20th century collector Peter Kennedy printed the exact tune, transposed to 'D', as "Grandmother's Pet."

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Printed sources : - William Cahusac (The German Flute Preceptor), c. 1814; p. 23.

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