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Annotation:No Corn on Tygart (1)

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X:1 T:No Corn on Tygart N:Ed Haley M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel K:A A,CEG A2 AB|defd edBA|=G2 EF G2 ED|=CB,CE FECB,|...

NO CORN ON TIGERT/TYGART [1]. AKA - "No Corn on (the) Tygert." American, Reel (cut time). USA; Kentucky, Indiana. A Dorian/Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. There are Tygart Rivers in both Kentucky and West Virginia. Gerry Milnes states the tune is related to the "Gilderoy" family of tunes (which includes "Red Haired Boy" and "Salt River"). However, versions of this mixed-modal tune differ, some being more or less similar. "No Corn on Tygart" was in the repertoire of Northeastern Kentucky/West Virginia fiddler Ed Haley (1883-1951) and Indiana fiddler John Summers.

See also J.W. Day's musically different tune of the same title at "No Corn on Tygart (2)."

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - fiddler John Summers (Indiana) [Milliner & Koken, Phillips]; Ed Haley [Fiddler Magazine, Milliner & Koken].

Printed sources : - Fiddler Magazine, Spring 2000. Clare Milliner & Walt Koken (The Milliner-Koken Collection of American Fiddle Tunes), 2011; pp. 448-9 (two versions). Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 1), 1994; p. 165.

Recorded sources : - Rounder Select 1131, Ed Haley - "Forked Deer, vol. 1" (1997). Shanachie Records 6040, Gerry Milnes & Lorriane Lee Hammond - "Hell Up Coal Holler" (1999).

See also listing at :
Jane Keefer's Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [1]
See Ed Baggot's transcription pf Ed Haley's version [2]
Hear fiddler Dan Gellart play the tune on youtube.com [3]
Hear versions played by John Summers, J.W. Day and Ed Haley at Slippery Hill [4]

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