Annotation:Non Munton Hunt
X:1 T:Non Muchton's Hunt M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Ree B:William Vickers’ 1770 music manuscript collection (Northumberland) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D A,|B,DDA, B,DDG|{G}F2 ED CEEc|B2 Ad AFGB|AGFE (3DED D2:| |:g|f2 df gbed|cegf e2 ef|gb Bd ce FA|GBAF (3DED D2:|
NON MUNTON HUNT. AKA - "Non Muchton's Hunt," "Nun Monkton Hunt," "Non Mounton's Hunt." English, Reel and Country Dance Tune (whole time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The title may refer to the village of Nun Monkton, near Harrogate, Yorkshire. There continues to be fox hunting in the Nun Monkton environs in modern times.