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T:Pinedale Waltz
S:Kenner Kartchner (Arizona)
A2|(f2 f/)(g/ f>)e|f2a2g2|B3 (c B>)A|B2c2d2|e3...
PINEDALE WALTZ. American, Waltz (3/4 time). USA, Arizona. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. From the fiddling of Kenner Casteel Kartchner, and named for the town of Pinedale, Arizona, c. 1900, perhaps by Frank Pruitt (Shumway, 1990).
Additional notes
Printed sources : - Shumway (Frontier Fiddler), 1990; p. 269.
Recorded sources : - Rounder CD 0359, Skip Gorman - "Lonesome Prairie Love" (1996). Utah Arts Council, The Shumway Family - "Pinedale waltz; An old-time Utah dance party: field recordings of social dance music from the Mormon west" (1988).
See also listing at :
Jane Keefer's Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [1]
Hear Kartchner's field recording at Slippery Hill [2][3]
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