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Annotation:Reed House Rant

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X:1 T:Read House Rant T:Reed House Rant S:Henry Atkinson music manuscript collection (1694-95, Northumberland) M:6/4 L:1/8 R:Jig F:http://www.farnearchive.com/show_images.asp?id=R0113701&image=1 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D B3A G2|F3E D2 f3e d2|e2(E2E2)B3 A G2|F3E D2 f3e c2|d2 (D2D2)|| B3A G2|F3G A2 F3E D2|C2 [C2E2]-[C2E2] B3AG2|F3G A2 G3ED2|A,2(D2D2)|| B3 A2G2|(FA3)G2 B3A B2|_c2(E2E2) B3A G2|(F2A2)(G2B2) A2(B2c2)|d2(D2D2)|| B3A G2|A2(D2D2) B3AG2|_c2(E2E2) B3A G2|A2F2B2 G3c (Bc)|d2(D2D2)|| B3A G2|F3E D2 b2a2f2|e2(E2E2) B3A G2|F3E D2 f3e (dc)|d2(D2D2)||

REED HOUSE. AKA – “Read House Rant,” “Reed House Rant.” AKA and see “Old Lancashire Hornpipe.” English, “Old” or Triple Hornpipe (3/2 time). England, Northumberland. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC (Vickers): AABBCCDDEEFFGGHH (Callaghan). The first two parts of the tune appear in the large 1770 music manuscript of Northumbrian musician William Vickers [1]. Unfortunately, very little is known about Vickers. A similar title is the "Reed House Rant," also in Vickers. As the similarly-titled “Read House Rant” the tune appears twice (pp. 6-7, pp. 137-138) in the 1694-95 music manuscript book of Henry Atkinson [2] (Morpeth, Northumberland), where it includes six variation sets. Playford also printed a version of the tune in Apollo’s Banquet. “Reed House Rant” is a related tune to the generically-titled “Old Lancashire Hornpipe].”

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Henry Atkinson’s 1694-95 ms. (Morpeth, Northumberland) [Callaghan].

Printed sources : - Callaghan (Hardcore English), 2007; p. 78.

Recorded sources : - Island Records, Albion Country Band - "Battle of the Field" (1976. Appear as "Old Lancashire Hornpipe"). Tomcat Music, Pauline Cato - "New Tyne Bridge" (2005). Spiers and Boden - "Tunes."

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