Annotation:Reel du nord (1)
X:1 T:Reel du Nord [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel K:Bmin F/B/B/B/ F/B/B/B/|F/B/d/B/ c>B|F/B/B/B/ F/B/B/d/|f/e/d/c/ B>A| F/B/B/B/ F/B/B/B/|F/B/d/B/ c>B|F/B/B/B/ F/B/B/d/|f/e/d/c/ BB/A/:| |:A/c/e/c/ A/c/e/c/|d/c/d/f/ a2|A/c/e/c/ A/c/e/c/|d/e/f/d/ AB/{c}B/| A/c/e/c/ A/c/e/c/|d/c/d/f/ a2|A/c/e/c/ A/c/e/c/|d/f/e/c/ dB/{c}B/:|
REEL DU NORD [1]. French-Canadian, Reel (2/4 or cut time). B Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Composed by Montreal accordion player and composer biography:Alfred Montmarquette (1871-1944) and recorded by him in Montreal in 1929. "Reel du nord" has been a favorite session tune among Quebec-style fiddlers. Fiddler Jos Bouchard's "Reel du nord" is a different tune, as is J.A. Boucher's tune of the same name.