Annotation:Robsley Cottage
X:1 T:Robsley Cottage C:J. Scott Skinner N:”For Dancing play a note lower, D Major.” N:”Ellon Castle,” “Dr. Profeit,” “A.G. Wilken,” “Banks of Ythan,” N:and Faichfield” were composed there” [i.e. at Robsley Cottage]. M:C L:1/16 R:Solo Strathspey B:Skinner – Miller o’ Hirn Collection (1881, No. 120, p. 61) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Eb c2|BG3 {G}F3E {E}e4- A3c|B3G {G}F3E CF3F3c|BG3 {G}F3E e4- A3c|BG3 {G}F3E B,E3E2:| a2|gab2 agf2 e4- B3a|gab2 ede2 (g3f)(f3a)|gab2 agf2 e4- B3{c}c|BG3 {G}F3E B,E3E3a| gab2 agf2 e4- B3a|gab2 ede2 (g3f)(f3d)|(3e2f2g2 (3f2e2d2 (3c2B2A2 (3G2F2E2|DA3 {A}G3FGE3E2||
ROBSLEY COTTAGE. Scottish, Solo Strathspey (whole time). E Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Robsley Cottage" was composed by Aberdeenshire fiddler-composer and Scottish dancing master wikipedia:James_Scott_Skinner (1843-1927). The cottage was in Ellon, Aberdeenshire, and was where Skinner composed several tunes for his Miller o' Hirn Collection (1881).