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Annotation:Rose Vase Waltz

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X:1 T:Rose Vase Waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 S:Thomas Jefferson "Duck" Wootan (1882-1964, Kimble County, central Texas) N:From a 1958 home recording by Tim Wooten F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/rose-vase-waltz Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G D2|B3A Bd|G3 A GE|D6|B,3A,G,2|B3 A Bd| G3A G2|E6|C3D C2|B3A Bd|G3 A [G2B2]|D6| B,3A,G,2|(B2d2) de|dB Ac (B/4c/4B/)A|1G3 E GA:|2G3A G2|| B3AB2|de d2B2|[A3a3]ba2| g3ag2| B3A Bc|d3e (d/4e/4d/)B|[B3g3]a [B2g2]|+slide+[e4e4]-[ee]f| [e3e3]f g2|[e4e4]g2|d4g2|f3e fa|[B4g4] GA||

ROSE VASE WALTZ. American, Waltz (3/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Rose Vase Waltz" was in the repertoire of Kimble County, central Texas, fiddler Thomas Jefferson "Duck" Wootan (1882-1964), who was recorded playing the tune by his son Tim in 1958 on a home recording.

Additional notes

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Recorded sources: - Howard Rains - "The Old Texas Fiddle" (2013).

See also listing at:
Hear Duck Wootan's 1958 home recording at Slippery Hill [1]

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