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Annotation:Sailor loved a farmer's daughter (A)

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X:1 % T:Sailor loved a farmer's daughter, A M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Andante" B:P.M. Haverty – One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 1 (1858, No. 56, p. 23) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb F2|B>A G2 AF|B>BBdf f|g>ffdcB|AG F3F| B>A G2 AF|B>BBdf f|(gf/e/d) Bd>c|B4 zd| efg2 c c|de f2B B|AGedcB|AG F3 F| B>A G2 AF|B>BBdf f|gf/e/ d Bd>c|B4 z||

SAILOR LOVED A FARMER'S DAUGHTER, A (Inion an toice, agus an mairnealach). Irish, English; Air (3/4 time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABB. The title is from the Irish collector Edward Bunting's 1840 collection, however, O'Sullivan (1983) states his translation of the Irish is incorrect and should be "The Wenches Daughter and the Sailor." The tune may be found in Stanford's Songs of Old Ireland (p. 83) with new words by Alfred Perceval Graves entitled "A Sailor Lad wooed a Farmer's Daughter." In the English tradition it was collected from a Warwickshire farmer c. 1900, in almost the same version as Bunting's.

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - Bunting was given the tune by [collector] "G[eorge] Petrie, Esq. Dublin, 1839."

Printed sources : - P.M. Haverty (One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 1), 1858; No. 56, p. 23. O'Sullivan/Bunting, 1983; No. 138, p. 195.

Recorded sources: -

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