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Annotation:Step à Ti-Phonse (Le)

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X:1 T:Step à Ti-Phonse, Le N:From the playing of fiddler André Alain (1931-2001, N:St-Basile-de-Portneuf, Québec. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel K:G g2 gf gedc|BGAc BG G2|G,B,DB, G,CEC|1,3 DFAc BGBd:|2,4 DFAF G2:| |:(3def|[B3g3]a bgdg|bgdg b2 bg|a3b afdf|1,3 a3b afdf:| |2 g2 (3fgf d2dB|cBAc (3BBB GB:|4 (3gag (3fgf (3efe dB|cBAc (3BBB G2||

STEP À TI-PHONSE, LE. French-Canadian, Reel (2/4 or cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB (Hart & Sandell): AABB’ (Remon & Bouchard). The prefix ‘ti’ means ‘little’, and the title translates as ‘little Alphonse’s (favorite) step-dance (tune)’. The tune is irregular, with the ‘A’ part half as l ong as the ‘B’ part. According to Alain, Alphonse was a good stepdancer, "petit Alphonse", from St-Basile-de-Portneuf, Québec, who especially liked this tune.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Fiddler André Alain {1931-2001} (St-Basile-de-Portneuf, Québec) [Remon & Bouchard].

Printed sources : - Hart & Sandell (Dance ce Soir), 2001; No. 7, p. 43. Remon & Bouchard (25 Crooked Tunes, vol. 1: Québec Fiddle Tunes), 1996; No. 2.

Recorded sources : - André Alain – “Violoneux de St-Basile-de-Poartneuf.” Green Linnet GLCD 1230, Celtic Fiddle Festival - "Play On" (2005). Gwazigan - "Y'avait du monde" (2000). "Les sessions du Vices & Versa: 15e anniversaire" (2021. Last tune in "M'a t'awoire mon Ti-Phonse").

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