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Annotation:Tower Waits Hornpipe

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X:2 T:Tower Waits Hornpipe A:England;London M:3/2 L:1/8 Q:1/2=100 S:J.Walsh,Third Book of the most celebrated jiggs,etc 1731 Z:Pete Stewart, 2004 <www.hornpipemusic.co.uk> with vmp revisions K:Gmin g4bag^fg4|edcB AGFE DCB,A,|B4GFEDE2G2|cded cABc ^F2D2| g4bag^fg4|edcB AGFE DCB,A,|B,2G2A,2G2G,2^F2|GEDC B,GA,^FG,4|| f4dBcA BFGE|E2C2E2G2c4|g4ecdB cABG|^F2D2F2A2d4| d2b2BAGFE2C2|c2a2AGFED2B,2|G,2g2^fdec dAB^F|GEDC B,GA,^FG,4|]

TOWER WAITS HORNPIPE. English, Triple or “Old” Hornpipe (3/2 time). G Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune appears in London music publisher John Walsh’s Third Book ofLancashire Jigs, Hornpipes, Joaks, etc. (c. 1731, No. 2). Waits were paid musicians who served as civic functionaries, akin to the town crier.

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