Annotation:Valse du Péril
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VALSE DU PÉRIL (Peril Waltz). French-Canadian, Waltz (3/4 time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'. Composed by Québec accordion player and composer biography:Alfred Montmarquette (1871-1944), who recorded the piece in 1928 with his group (bones player Adélard Saint-Jean and pianist Henri Langlois) calling themselves "Les vagabonds de Montréal" for this recording (they recorded under other names as well).

Source for notated version:
Printed sources: Carlin (Master Collection of Dance Music for the Violin), 1984; No. 84, p. 55.
Recorded sources: Brunswick Records BR 52012 (78 RPM), Les Vagabonds de Montreal (1928). Mille-Pattes Records MPCD-4440, Daniel Roy - "Au tour du flageolet" (1998). Smithsonian Folkways Records RF 111, Alfred Montmarquette - "Masters of French Canadian Music. Vol. 2" (1992). Tout Crin Records TCDA 19083-2, Phillipe Bruneau - "Accordéon diatonique/Diatonic accordion" (2003). Transit Records TRCD-9501, "Hommage à Alfred Montmarquette: 1871-1944" (1995).
See also listing at:
Identitairs Québécois [1]
Hear the waltz played on harmonica by Arina Stam on [2]