Annotation:Vieille Branche
X:1 T:Vieille Branche M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig O:Québec S:Fiddler Pascal Gemme (of the group Genticorum) K:G B,C|:D2G E2G|DGA B3|BAB dcB|AGA BB,C| D2G E2G|DGA B3|BAB dcB|1 AGF GB,C:|2 AGF G2d|| |:d^cd e2d|B2G D3|d^cd e2d|c2A E3| e^de f2e|c2A E2e|e^de f2e|d3 dd^c| d^cd e2d|B2G D3|g3 gfg|aee e3| e^de f2e|d^cd e2d|ded cBA|1 GBA GBc:|2 GBA GB,C||
VIEILLE BRANCHE. AKA and see “Old Chap (The),” “Oiseaux dans la Cage (Les),” “L’Oiseaux dans la Cage,” “Birdies in the Cage.” French-Canadian, Jig (6/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA’BB’. Fiddler Pascal Gemme is of the opinion that the tune is “very representative of the Québec city region sound.”