Annotation:Why heaves my fond bosom
X:1 T:Why heaves my fond Bosom M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air B:Burk Thumoth - 12 English and 12 Irish Airs with Variations (c. 1745, No. 2, pp. 4-5) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D V:1 A2|(A<d)(d<f)(e<d)|{f}e2 (d<c)(B<A)|B2 (d<B)(A<G)|TF4 (d>e)|(f<d)(c<B)(c<d)|e2A2E2| F2 (d<B) (A^G)|A4:||:ed|(c<e)(c<A)(B<c)|Td>c d2 (ag)|(f<a)(f<d)(e<f)|g4 a2| (b<g)(e<d)(c<d)|(a<f)(e<d)(c<d)|(g<b)(f<d)(a<f)|e4 f>g|(a<f)(f<d)(d<A)|B2A2d2| (e<g)(f<d)(e<c)|d4:||:A2|(A<d) (3def (3efd|e2 (d/e/d/c/) BA|B2 (d<B) (A/B/A/G/)|{G}TF4 (d<e)| (3fed (3cdB (c>d)|(e<c)(c<A) (A<E)|F2 (d<B) (3AB^G|A4:||:e<d|(3ced (3cBA (B>c)|Td>c d2 (a>g)| (3fag (3fed e>f|g4 a2|(3bag (3fge (^d/e/d/e/)|(a/g/a/f/) (e/f/e/d/) (c/d/c/d/)|(e/f/g/e/) (f/e/f/d/) (a/g/a/f/)|{f}e4 (f>g)| (3afd (3fdA (3DFA|B2A2d2|(e<g)(f<d)(e<c)|d4:||:(f>g)|(a<f)(f<d)(d<A)|TB2A2d2|(e<g)(f<d)(e<c)|d4:|] V:2 clef = bass z2|D4 D,2|A,4F,2|G,4A,2|D2D,2z2|F,4F,2|C4C,2| D,4E,2|A,4:||:z2|A,4G,2|F,4z2|D4=C2|B,2B,,2F,2| G,2G,4|F,2F4|C2D2D,2|A,2A,,2z2|D,4F,2|G2F,2B,2| G,2A,2A,,2|D,4:||:z2|D4D,2|A,4F,2|G,4A,2|D2D,2z2| D,4F,2|C4C,2|D,4E,2|A,4:||:z2|A,4G,2|F,4z2| D4=C2|B,2B,,2F,2|G,2G,4|F,2F4|C2D2D,2|A,2A,,2z2| D,4F,2|G,2F,2B,2|G,2A,2A,,2|D,4:||:z2|D,4F,2|G,2F,2B,2|G,2A,2A,,2|D,4:|
WHY HEAVES MY FOND BOSOM. English, Air (3/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDDEE. The song appears in serveral 18th century songsters, such as The Bull-Finch (1750), The Goldfinch, or, New Modern Songster (1782), The Humming Bird (1785), The Minstrell (1780) and others. The first few stanzas goes:
Why heaves my fond bosom? ah! what can it mean?
Why flutters my heart that was once so serene?
Why this sighing and trembling when Daphne is near?
Or why, when she's absent, this sorrow and fear?
Methinks I for ever with wonder could trace
The thousand soft charms that embellish thy face:
Each moment I view thee, new beauties I find!
With they face I am charm'd, but ensalv'd by thy mind.