Chickens under the Back Porch
X:1 T:Chickens under the Back Porch N:From the playing of bluegrass fiddler Kenny Baker (1926-2011), N:originally from Burdine, Letcher County, Ky. on the border with Va. M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Very Fast" R:Reel D:County 775, Kenny Baker - Farmyard Swing (1979) D:Voyager Recordings VRCD 378, Cliff Bryan - "Got a Little Home to Go To". D: D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C e2-|eage dcAG|cAGE D[C3E3]|eage dAcc|eg-ge g2ge| aged cAGc|AGEE DCA,C|G,A,CD EGAE|GEDB, C2:| CD|E2 EF G2GE|AEGF E-GGF|E2EF GAce|cAGE DCCD| E2 EF G2GE|AEGF E-FGA|cecA GcAG|EGDC A,CC2| E-G GG- G2- GE|G-AGF E-G G2|E-GGG G2Ac| AGEG DC C2| D-E- E2 G3E|GcAG EFGA|cecA GcAG|ECDC A,C3||