Conroy's No. 1
X:1 T:Conroy's No. 1 C:Andy Conroy N:Conroy (1911-1999) was a piper originally from Lough Glynn, Co. Roscommon, N:who lived in Dublin as a young man, taking lessons from Leo Rowsome. He N:was profoundly influenced by the tght Connaught style piping N:of Patsy Tuohey. Conroy lived for 22 years in New York City playing N:with the mid-20th century great players of the time in the city. After N:he retired he returned to Ireland. M:C L:1/8 B:Ceol II, vol. 1 (1965) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G gf|edBA BEEF|~G2 AG FD~D2|~E3F ~G3A|(3Bcd ed (3Bcd gf| edBA BEEF|~G2 AG FD ~D2|~E3F ~G3E|FGAF G2|| (3Bcd|gfed edBA|G2 AG FD D2|gfed ed (3Bcd |edef .g2 (3def| gfed ed BA|~G2 AG FD ~D2|gfed efge|fgaf g2||