Eltham Assembly
X: 1 T:Eltham Assembly. JJo3.013 Z:vmp.Steve Mansfield 2014 www.village-music-project.org.uk B:J.Johnson Choice Collection Vol 3 1744 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=100 F:http://www.cpartington.plus.com/Links/Johnson/JohnsonVol3(Dec14).abc K:Bb B2f dBb | a2g f3 | gfe dcB | A2B A/B/cF | B2f dBb | a2g f3 | gfe dcB | c3 B3 || c2f e2d | c2B AGF | f2b a2g | f2e dcB | eg2 df2 | ce2 dcB | g3 fab | c3 B3 |]
X: 1
T:Eltham Assembly. Ru1.045
B:RUTHERFORD Complete Collection of 200 Country Dances Vol.1; London: David & John Rutherford 1756.
Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk
B2f dBb|a2g Tf3|gfe dcB|A2B A/B/cF|
B2e dBb|a2g Tf3|gfe dcB|c3B3 :|
|: c2f e2d|c2B AGF|f2b a2g|f2e dcB|
eg2 df2|ce2 dcB|g3 fab|c3B3 :|
W: The first Cou. leads down between the 2d Cou. foot it
W: lead up again & cast off .| do the same with the 3d.
W: Cou. :| Clap Hands Sides & to your Partner and
W: right Hand & Left up into the 2d Couples Place .|.
W: Hands round all six & turn :|
T:Eltham Assembly
R:Country Dance Tune & Jig
B:Walter Rainstorp music manuscript collection (1747, p. 24)
F: https://collections.library.yale.edu/catalog/2057949
N:The cover is inscribed “Walter Rainstorp, 1747. Bought in Cheap Side,
N:London, 1747”.
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
B2f dBb|a2g f3|gfe dcB|A2B A/B/cF|
B2f dBb|a2g f3|gfe dcB|c3 B3:|
|:c2f e2d|c2B AGF|f2b a2g|f2e dcB|
eg2 df2|ce2 dcB|g3 fab|c3 B3:|