Heather House
X:1 T:Heather House C:James Walker (1771-1840), Dysart M:C L:1/8 R:Air or Strathspey Q:"Slow" B:James Walker - A Second Collection of Reels, Strathspeys, Jigs, &c. (c. 1798, p. 1) N:Dedicated to Lady St Clair Erskine of Sinclair (Fife) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin E|AE cE DCDE|c>Bce G2 FE|(A>B/c/4) (B>c/2d/4) (c>d/2e/4) G>B|d>cB>e A3:| B|c>eg>e (d/>e/2d/4c/4) BG|e>dcB A/G/F/G/ E>B|(c>d/2c/4B/4) AE (d>e/2d/4c/4) BG|e>dcB (d/c/)(B/e/) A2|| P:Variations E|A/E/A/B/ A/c/B/A/ B/G/B/c/ B/d/c/B/|e/c/B/A/ f/d/c/B/ A/B/G/A/ F/G/E/G/|A/E/A/B/ A/c/B/A/ B/G/B/c/ B/d/c/B/|c/B/c/d/ e/f/d/f/ e/d/c/B/ A2:| |:B|c/d/e/f/ g/f/g/e/ a/g/c'/b/ag|a/g/f/e/ f/e/d/c/ d/ /B/A/ G/F/G/E/|A/E/A/B/ A/c/B/A/ B/G/B/c/ Bd/c/B/|c/B/c/A/ d/c/d/B/ e/c/c/B/ A2:||