Hornpipe (117)
X:1 T:Hornpipe [117] N:The title in Burks' ms. reads something like "Roxis Hornpipe" but N:the middle letters of the first word are indecipherable. M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:John Burks music manuscript collection dated 1821 N:Nothing is known of Burks, although the provenance of his N:ms. is English. His music ms. surfaced in the United States, and had N: possibly been in the possession of his descendants until the N:mid-20th cent. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb F|B3c d3e|(3fgf (3edc B2 (3fga|bfdB c=Bcd|fgec BAGF| B3c d3e|(3fgf (3edc B2f2|gbac' b=efd|(3cdc (3BAG F3:| |:f||fedc Baga|Baga agfe|fedc Agfg|Agfg fedc| (3dbb (3caa (3Bgg (3Aff|(3Gee (3Fdd (3Ecc (3DBB|DfcA B2B2B2:|