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Jig (88)

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 Theme code Index    5L3L1H5 11H52
 Also known as    
 Composer/Core Source    Fidel Martin
 Region    Canada, United States
 Genre/Style    Québécois/Acadian
 Meter/Rhythm    Jig/Quadrille
 Key/Tonic of    C
 Accidental    NONE
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    6/8
 History    CANADA(Acadia/French)
 Structure    AAB
 Book/Manuscript title    
 Tune and/or Page number    
 Year of publication/Date of MS    
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Untitled T:Jig [88] M:6/8 L:1/8 N:From an August 24, 1966, field recording of the playing of Fidel N:Martin (1891-1976) of Berlin N.H., originally from Rogersville, NB, recorded N:by folklorist Art Rosenbaum. Martin, a WWI veteran, had a repertory that N:consisted of Acadian, Irish, American and French-Canadian tunes. D:https://bmac.libs.uga.edu/index.php/Detail/objects/331506 F:UGA Brown Media Archives: identifier artrosen_0056 (Track 13 -10:17 on the tape) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C SG,2CE2G|cBc G2E|C2E cBc|[M:9/8]GEG DED B,G,A,| [M:6/8]G,>CC E>GG|cBc G2E|C2E cBc|"*"GEG F((3E/F/E/D)|1[M:3/8]C2z:|2[M:6/8] C2z|| K:G ded |BBG DGB|g2g fed|add fdd|add B2G| DGB g2g |fed c((3B/c/B/A) |OGBG D2G|D2d g2g| fed add|fdd d2d|[M:9/8]A2D GBd g3|[M:6/8]f((3e/f/e/d) c((3B/c/B/A)|[M:3/8]G2GS||OG2z!fine!|| P:Substitutions "*"GEC FDB, |C2z||

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