King George's March (3)

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 Theme code Index    1H1H1H5 1H1H05
 Also known as    
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    England
 Genre/Style    English
 Meter/Rhythm    Country Dance, March/Marche
 Key/Tonic of    G
 Accidental    1 sharp
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    2/2, 6/8
 History    ENGLAND(London and South East)
 Structure    AABBCCDD
 Editor/Compiler    John Young
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:The Second Volume of the Dancing Master 1st edition
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 359
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1713
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X: 1 T:King George's March, and the Jigg. PFD2.359 W:Longways for as many as will. L:1/8 B:Playford's Dancing Master, Vol 2, 1713-28 Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2015 N: When repeated this bar is a quaver beat short. M:C| R:Jigg (included) Q:1/2=100 K:G d2|g2gg g2d2|g4z2d2|g2fe dcBA|G4z2D2|G2GG G2D2|B2BB B2G2|d2B2 edcB|A6|| D2|A2AA A2D2|A4z2D2|A2AB AGFE|D4z2A2|d2ddd2G2 |e2ee e2A2|f2ff f2d2|g2gf edcB|AcBA A3G|"*"G6|| M:6/8 Q:3/8=100 G|G2B B2d|d2g gdc|g2zf2z|gfe dBG|G2B B2d|d2g gdB|ded e e2|d3-d2|| d|d2g gag|B2e e3|A2d ded|G2c c3|d2ze2z|f2z gfe|dcB A2G|G3-G2 |] W: W: Note: Each Strain is to be play'd twice over. W: W: The first and 2d Men lead thro' the We. and Hands half round .| The We. lead thro' the Men and Hands half W: round :| First Man change Places with the 2d Wo. and the first Wo. change Places with the 2d Man, and lead W: thro' the 3d Cu. and Right and Left quite round with the 2d Cu. [the Jigg] the first and 2d Cu Hands across quite W: round and turn all single, then Hands across bach and turn S. .| First Man and first Wo. Back to Back, and lead thro' W: the 3d Cu. and thro' the 2d Cu. and Right and Left quite round with the 2d Cu. and turn your Partner :|