Miss Aud Ree
X:17 T:Miss Aud Ree. BF13.016 M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:1/2=100 B:MS13,Browne family,c1825,Lake District A:Cumbria, England N:The writer of this part of the manuscript unfortunately had a habit of N:closing the book before the ink was dry, or something like that - N:several pages, including this one, show signs of other notes at 45 N:degrees to the music written on the page. * - this note has no stem. N:the crochet C in the second bar of the A music is shown as a note-head N:with no tail. Bar lines are as shown in the manuscript. Cherri.G. N:Ed..I've put two bar lines in, as it makes no difference to the tune. N:CGP. Z:vmp.Cherri Graebe. K:C major G2|c3a gcec |BGdG BcdB | "^*"c3 a gcec |BGAB c2:| |: ef|g2ec a2 fd |g2 ec B/c/d BG |g2e"^d in ms"ca2fd |BGAB cdef| "NB"g2eca2fd |g2ec BdBG |Egec Faf"^e in ms"d |BGABc2:| W:Bar 9 given as (g2e/d/a2f/d/) in ms. CGP. ||