Mrs. Stewart's Reel (2)
X:1 T:Mrs. Stewart’s Reel [2] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:William Campbell – “Campbell’s 12th Book of New and Favorite Country Dances & B:Strathspey Reels for the Harp, Piano-Forte & Violin, with their Proper Figures, as B:Danced at Court, Bath, Williss’s, & Hanover Square Rooms” (Soho, London, c. 1797, p. 21) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D V:1 F|D3F ADFD|E/E/E GA B(EE)F|D3F ADFD|G/A/B EG FDD:| A|dfea Bdcf|GBed cAA=c|BG G2 AF F2|G/A/B EG FDDg| fdfa fdeA|BGed cAA=c|BGge cAaf|g/a/b eg fdd|| V:2 clef = bass z|z2D,2D,2D,2|z2C,2C,2C,2|z2D,2D,2D,2|[G,,2G,2][A,,2A,2][D,,3D,3]:| z|[D,2D2][C,2C2][B,,2B,2][A,,2A,2]|[G,,2G,2][^G,,2^G,2][A,,2A,2][F,,2F,2]|[G,,2G,2][E,,2E,2][F,,2F,2][D,,2D,2]|[G,,2G,2][A,,2A,2][D,,2D,2]z2| [D,6D6]A,2|[G,,2G,2][^G,,2^G,2][A,,2A,2][F,,2F,2]|[G,,3G,3]^G, [A,,3A,3]^A,|B,G,A,A,, D,2D,,||