New Stove (The)
X: 1 T:New Stove, The M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:116 C:Frank Ferrel R:Jig B:Brand New Old Time Tunes, V.1, Vivian Williams, ed. N:Scotsbroome had this originally from Vivian Williams' N:books of new tunes from the Northwest. I believe Frank N:later published it himself in one of his own excellent N:tunebooks. I haven't checked the two versions against N:each other. This is what Scotsbroome played K:D A|"D"f2A "A"e2A |"D"ded dAF | "D" DFA ded| "G" BGG G2A |! "A"g2A f2A | "A" efe e2c |1 "A" ABA BAG |"D" (F3 F2) :|]2 "A" Aba gec |"D"d3 dFG|]! "D"A3 AFD |"D"A,DF A2 F |"D"DFA ded |"G"B3- B2 G |! "A"g3 e3 |"A"cdc cBA |"A"ABA BAG |"D"F3- F2 A |]! "D"f3 "A"e3 |"D"ded dAF |"D"DFA ded |"G"B3- B2 B |! "G"Bgg g2 B|"D"Aff "Bm" f2 a |"A"gec ABc |"D"d3- d2 |]