Old Cibell
X: 1 T:Old Cibell. PFD2.358, The W:Longways for as many as will. L:1/4 B:Playford�s Dancing Master, Vol 2, 1713-28 Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk N: * Shown as than and bath in the original. M:2 Q:1/2=100 K:Am c>c|dd(d3/c//d//)|e2dB|cdB>c|c2e>e|ddde|f2e>e|efd>e|e2ED|CB,CA,|FEFD|EDE>E| A,2e>e|f2f>e|d2d e/f/|g2f>e|e2d>c|CB,CD|EDEC|GABG|e2e>^f|g2^f>e|^d2d e/^f/| g2^f>e|e2^d>e|e3 c/d/|e2d>c|c2 B>A|A,B,CD|EFGE|A A/G/ FD|E E/D/ CB,|e2d>c|c2B>A| C/B,/C/D/ C/B,/C/D/|E/D/E/F/ G/F/G/E/| A/B/A/G/ F/E/F/D/|E/F/E/D/ C/B,/C/A,/|e2d>c|c2B>A|A2|] W: W: The first Cu. clap and cast off, then lead thro' the 3d Cu. and Right and Left half round at Top, and turn your W: Partner, then* cross over below the 2d and 3d Cu. and lead quite thro' at Top, and turn single, then first Man cross W: the Figure of the outside the 3d Wo. his Partner cross the Figure of the outside the 2d Man at the same Time, then W: both cast into the 2d Cu. Place; the first Man cross of the outside the 2d Wo. and the first Wo. of the outside the 3d W: Man at the same Time, and both* cast off into the 2d Cu. Place, and turn your Partner. Play the Tune quite thro'.