Reel (148)
X:1 T:Untitled M:C| L:1/8 N:From an August 24, 1966, field recording of the playing of Fidel N:Martin (1891-1976) of Berlin N.H., originally from Rogersville, NB, recorded N:by folklorist Art Rosenbaum. Martin, a WWI veteran, had a repertory that N:consisted of Acadian, Irish, American and French-Canadian tunes. D: F:UGA Brown Media Archives: identifier artrosen_0056 (Track 5 -19:04 on the tape) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C gf|eg-ec Gccc|Acde {fe}f2 ge|"*"{ef}edBd gdBd|cGef {g^f}g3g| "**"egec Gccc|Acde {e}f2 ge|{ef}edBd gdBG|1cced c2:|2cced c4|| C2 EG {B}A2EG|.c2 ce ddGE|FAFA EGEG|DCDE FE(D/E/D)| CCEG {B}AGEG|cGce ddGE|FAFA EGc(e|1f/e/d)Bd .c2cc:|2f/e/dBd c2 gf|| P:Substitutions "*"{ef}edBd gdBG|ccef {f}g3g||"**"egec Gcdc||