Smiling Dickes Hornpipe (1)
X:1 T:Smiling Dickes Hornpipe [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:John Burks music manuscript collection dated 1821 N:Nothing is known of Burks, although the provenance of his N:ms. is English. His music ms. surfaced in the United States, and had N: possibly been in the possession of his descendants until the N:mid-20th cent. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D (3ABc|dAdA FDFA|Bdce dcBA|Gcdc BAGF|E2 e2e2 (3ABc| dAdA FDFA|Bdce dcBA|Bcdc cgec|d2d2d2:| |:fg|afdf gece|dcdB AFDF|GFGA BAGF|E2e2e2 de| fdfd AFAd|gege cAce|dcdc Bgec|d2d2d2:|