Stone in the Field (1) (The)
X: 1 T:Stone in the Field [1], The M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Tommy Reck R:Reel Z:Andrew Pickering N:Posted to the woodenflute mailing list January 2002 K:ADor AG|EAAG ABcd|eaaf gedB|cBAc BG {A}(3GFG|AcBA GEDF| EAAG ABcd|eaaf gedB|cBcd efed|cABG A2:| |:cd|eaag agab|c'2 ba gedB|cBAc BG {A}(3GFG|AcBA GED2| ea {b}(3aga bg {a}(3gfg|agef gfga|bgaf gedB|AcBG A2:|
X:2 T:Stone in the Field [1], The R:Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G EAAG ABcd|eaaf gedB|cBAc BAGB|AcBA GEED| EAAG ABcd|eaaf gedB|cBcd eage|1 dBGA BAAG:|2 dBGA BA (3Bcd|| |:eaa^g a2ab|bc'ba gedB|cBAc BAGB|AcBA GEED| ea~a2 bg~g2|agef gfga|bgaf gedB|1 AcBG ABcd:|2 AcBG A4||