Stop dat Knocking
X:1 T:Stop dat Knocking M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air B:Gumbo Chaff - The Complete Preceptor for the Banjo (1851, p. 13) N: A later edition of the earliest known banjo tutor, published in 1848. It was written by Elias Howe, whose pseudonym Gumbo Chaff N:is taken from Thomas Dartmouth Rice's 1834 blackface character. The 1851 edition was published in Boston by Oliver Ditson. N:In 1850 Howe sold some of his works to Ditson (this one among them) and agreed not to publish similar works for ten years. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A|AB/A/ ^G/A/B/c/|d2-dd|c>A=GE|D2-DA| AB/A/ ^G/A/B/c/|d2-dd|c>AGE|D2-DF| GE c>c|d<c AF|Gec>B|d2 zA| AB/A/ ^G/A/B/c/|d2-dd|cAG>E|D2D|| D|G<G G<G|FF z2|GB A/A/G/G/|Fz2D| G/G/G/G/ G/G/G/G/|FF z2|GB A/A/G/G/|zD/D/ Dz| zD/D/ Dz|z D/D/ D z|C/C/C/C/ C/C/C/C/|z D/D/ Dz| zD/D/ Dz|FF zd/d/|c/c/c/c/ c/c/c/c/|!fermata!f3 z||