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Stormont's Ghost

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 Theme code Index    15L1L3 3342
 Also known as    
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    Scotland
 Genre/Style    Scottish
 Meter/Rhythm    Air/Lament/Listening Piece
 Key/Tonic of    A
 Accidental    3 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:James Oswald
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Caledonian Pocket Companion Book 10
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 110
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1760
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Stormont’s Ghost M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Slow" N:The transcription is in scordatura fiddle tuning, AEac#, and is written to be played as N:it would be fingered in regular (GDae) tuning. B:James Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion Book 10 (1760, p. 110) F: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/94600404?mode=transcription Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A eB|A2D2G,2 [Ae][DB]|[A2e2][A2e2] feBA|[D6B6] eB|A2D2G,2 [Ae][DB]| e2e2 gfec|[G,6D6A6]::ef|[A3g3][Aa] ([Ag]a)([Ag]a)|[A3g3][Aa] geBA| [D6B6] ef|[A3g3][Aa] ([Ag]a)([Ag]a)|[A2g2]fe (BA)(B^c)| |[G,6D6A6]:| |:eB|ADB,D G,B,DG|[^c2e2][c2e2] feTBA|[D6B6] eB|ADB,D G,B,DA|e2fe TBAB^c|[G,6D6A6]:| |:ef|ge AD ge AD|g2 fe feTBA|[D6B6]ef|ge AD geAD|Eagf eAB^c||[G,6D6A6]:| M:6/8 "Brisk"g|eAD G,2A|eAe B2g|eAe B^FD|EAA A2:| |:g|eAg eAg|eAe B2g|eAg eAe|BDD D2g| eAg eAg|eAe B2g|eAe B^FD|EAA A2:| |:G,|B,DD DAA|egA Bag|eBA EGD|EGG G2:| |:a|geA BAB|egA B2a|gfe B^cA|BDD D2a| geA DAB|egA Bag|eBA EGD |EGG G2:|

X: 1 T: Stormont's Ghost [standard tuning] %R: air, jig B: James Oswald "The Caledonian Pocket Companion" v.2 p.110 #1 Z: 2019 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> N: The book has A,EA^c scordatura tuning, and the tune uses two-voice notation. N: This transcription is converted to "standard" tuning, with multiple voices for ABC version 2 software. M: C L: 1/8 K: A %%continueall "_Slow"cB |\ A2E2 A,2cB & x6 AE | A2A2 dcBA | [B6E6] cB | A2E2 A,2cB & x6 AE |\ c2c2 edcB | [A6E6A,6] :: cd | e3f (ef)(ef) & A3A A2 A2 | e3f x4 & A3A ecBA | B6 x2 & E6 cd | e3f (ef)(ef) & A3A A2A2 | e2 x6 & A2dc (BA)(Bc) | [A6E6] & A,6 :: cB |\ AECE A,CEA | c2c2 dcTBA | B6 x2 & E6 cB | AECE A,CEA | c2dc TBABc | [A6E6] & A,6 :: cd | ec AE ec AE | e2dc dcTBA |\ B6 x2 & E6 cd | ec AE ec AE | Ffed cABc | [A6E6] & A,6 :| |: [M:6/8] "_Brisk"e |\ cAE A,2A | cAc B2e | cAc BGE | FAA A2 :: e |\ cAe cAe | cAc B2e | cAe cAc | BEE E2e | cAe cAe | cAc B2e | cAc BGE | FAA A2 :: A, |\ CEE EAA | ceA Bfe | cBA FAE | FAA A2 :| |: f |\ ecA BAB | ceA B2f | edc BcA | BEE E2f |\ ecA EAB | ceA Bfe | cBA FAE | FAA A2 :| %%begintext align %% The book has A,EA^c scordatura tuning; transcribed here for standard A,DGe tuning. %% The tunes has two voices, transcribed here with ABC 2.0 voice overlays. %%endtext

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