Susannah Gal (2)
X:1 T: Susanna Gal [2] N:From the playing of Joe B. "Dad" Blackard with the group Dad Blackard's Moonshiners, N:recorded in August, 1927, in Bristol, Tennessee. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:Victor 21130 (78 RPM), Dad Blackard's Moonshiners (1927) D: Z:Andrew Kuntz K:C cd|e2g2g3g|e2g2-g2 g2|(abg2) edef|g4- g2(3efg| a2g2e3e|d2c2-c2(3cBA|G2E2G2 AB|c4- c2:| |:e|d2c2c3c|A2G2 E3E|GA G2 A2c2|J[e3e3]g [e2e2]eg| e2c2c3c-|A2G2E3E| GAG2 G2AB|c4-c3:|]
X:1 T: Susannah Gal [2] N:From the playing of Emmett Lundy (1864-1953, Grayson County, southwestern Virginia), N:recorded in the field in 1941 by Alan and Beth Lomax for the Library of Congress. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:String 802, "Emmett W. Lundy: Fiddle Tunes from Grayson County, Virginia" (1977) D: Z:Andrew Kuntz K:D [Ae]-|[Af]fed df-ed|BdAG FEDF|ABAA Bd3|J[A3f3](e [A2f2])gg| fdef df-ed|BdAA FEDF|ABAA Bd3|[d3f3](d [d3f3])e-| fefe d2ed|BdAA FEDF|AFAA Bd3|J[A3f3](e [A2f2])gg| fdef dded|BdAA FEDF|ABAA Bd3|[d3f3](d [d3f3]):| |:[Ae]-|[A2f2][Aa][Aa] [A3a3][Aa]|[A2a2][A2a2]-[A2a2] [A2a2]-|[A2a2]ba faed|[Af]-[Aa]-[Aa][Aa] [A2a2][A2a2]-| [Aa][Aa]ba fa-af| e2d2 dd[df]d| edeg f2ec|[D3d3][Dd][D2d2]|]