Annotation:Caedle Robbie

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X:1 T:Caedle Robbie M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Riddell – Collection of Scotch Galwegian Border Tunes (1794, p. 19) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A a|e/e/e Tc2 eAea|e/e/e Tc2 B=GBa|e/e/e Tc2 eA cB/A/|E2 d/c/B/A/ B=GB:| |:a|e/e/e Tc2 Aaef|e/e/e Tc2 B=gGB|e/e/e Tc2 Aaef|dfce B=GG:| |:B|A/B/c/d/ ec eAea|A/B/c/d/ ec B=GBa|A/B/c/d/ ec fdec|dBcA B=GB:| |:a|A/B/c/d/ e/f/e/c/ eAea|A/B/c/d/ e/f/e/d/ B=GBa|A/B/c/d/ e/f/e/c/ f/=g/f/d/ e/f/e/c/| d/e/d/B/ c/d/c/A/ B=GB:||:a|A/B/c/d/ e/f/e/c/ f/=g/f/d/ e/f/e/c/|A/B/c/d/ e/f/e/c/ B=GBa| A/B/c/d/ e/f/e/c/ f/=g/f/d/ e/f/e/c/|d/e/d/B/ c/d/c/A/ B=GB:||:a|a/e/c/e/ a/e/c/e/ a/e/c/e/ Tc>e| a/e/c/e/ a/e/c/e/ B=G B/c/d/B/|a/e/c/e/ a/e/c/e/ a/e/c/e/ a/e/c/e/|d/f/d/f/ c/e/c/e/ B=G B/c/d/B/:| |:A/c/e/c/ A/c/a/c/ eA c/d/e/c/|A/c/e/c/ A/c/a/c/ =gG B/c/d/B/|A/c/e/c/ A/c/a/c/ A/c/e/c/ A/c/a/c/| d/f/d/B/ c/e/c/A/ B=G B/c/d/B/:||:e/e/e Tc2 AA,Ca|e/e/e Tc2 =G,B,a| e/e/e Tc2 AECA,|DF/D/ CD/C/ B,=G, B,/C/D/B,/:||:A/a/a/a/ c/a/a/a/| eA c/d/e/c/|A/a/a/a/ c/a/a/a/ =GG B/c/d/B/|A/a/a/a/ c/a/a/a/ A/a/a/a/ c/a/a/a/| d/f/f/f/ c/e/e/e/ =gG B/c/d/B/:||:e/e/e TcA cATcA|e/e/e TcA TB=GTBG| e/e/e TcA TcATcA|EE d/c/B/A/|B=GBa:||:e/e/e Tc2 a/e/c/e/ a/e/c/e/| e/e/e Tc2 =g/B/G/B/ g/B/G/B/|e/e/e Tc2 a/e/c/e/ a/e/c/e/|d/f/d/f/ c/e/c/e/ B=G B/c/d/B/:| |:e/e/e Tc2 AECA,|e/e/e Tc2 =GG,B,G,|e/e/e Tc2 AECB,| DfCe B,=GG,B,:||:e/e/e Tc2 e/c/A/c/ a/c/A/c/|e/e/e Tc2 d/B/=G/B/ g/B/G/B/| e/e/e Tc2 e/c/A/c/ a/c/A/c/|e/c/A/c/ a/c/A/c/ =gG B/c/d/B/:||:e/e/e Tc2 e/A/c/A/| e/e/e Tc2 e/=G/B/G/|e/e/e Tc2 eATcA|d/f/c/e/ B=gGGB:||

CAEDLE ROBBIE. AKA - "Caddle Robie." Scottish, Reel. A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJ. A Scottish (Borders) reel with seemingly endless variation sets printed by Robert Riddell. The author himself notes: "A favourite Scottish tune. This set I never saw in print." <

Additional notes

Source for notated version: -

Printed sources : - Riddell (Collection of Scotch Galwegian Border Tunes), 1794; p. 19.

Recorded sources: -

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