Baulk (The)
X:1 T:Balk, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Wright's Compleat Collection of Celebrated Country Dances (1740, p. 49) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gmin G2 D4 B2|G4 B4|A2F2f2c2|A4 c4| B2G2d2g2|^f4 d4|(ed)(cB) A2d2|B4 G4|| G2 Bc d2 Bc|d2B2G2B2|A2 AB c2 AB|c2A2F2f2| d2 ga b2 ag|a2g2^f2 ^ef|g2 a2 a3g|g4 g4||
X:2 T:Baulk, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:John Walsh - Caledonian Country Dances (c. 1745, p. 36) N:Published in several volumes and different editions, 1731-c. 1745) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gmin G2 D4B2|G4B4|A2F2f2c2|A4c4| B2G2d2g2|^f4d4|(ed)(cB) A2d2|B4G4|| G2 Bc d2 Bc|d2B2G2B2|A2 AB c2AB|c2A2F2f2| d2 ga b2 ag|a2g2^f2 ^e^f|g2za2 a3g|g4g4||
X:1 T:Balk, The M:C| L:1/8 B:Walter Rainstorp (1747) N:"Bought in Cheapside, London." B: Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gmin G2D4 B2|G4B4|A2F2 f2c2|A4 c4| B2G2d2g2|^f4 d4|edcB A2d2|B4 G4:| |:G2 Bc d2 Bc|d2B2G2B2|A2 AB c2 AB|c2A2F2 f2| d2 ga b2 ag|a2g2 ^f2 ^e^f|g2a2 a3g|(g4-g4):|
X:3 T:Baulk, The M:C| L:1/8 B:Thompson's Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol. 2 (London, 1765) Z:Transcribed and edited by Fynn Titford-Mock, 2007 Z:abc's:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gmin G2D4 =E^F|G4 B4|A2-F2f2c2|A4 c4| B2G2g2a2|^f4 d4|edcB ABcA|B2G2 G4:| |:G3 B/c/ d3 B/c/|d2B2G2B2|F3 A/B/ c3A/B/|c2A2F2A2| G3 g/a/ b3a/g/|^f2g2a2^f2|d2g2 ^fgaf|g4 g4:||
X:1 T:Baulk M:C| L:1/8 B:William Vickers’ 1770 music manuscript collection, p. 80 (Northumberland) [Seattle]. B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gdorian GDDB G2B2|AFfc A2c2|BAdg ^f2d2| (e/d/c/B/) Ad BG>G:| |:GB/c/ dB/c/ dBGB|FA/B/ cA/B/ cAFf|(dg/a/) (ba/g/) ag ^f(=e/=f/)|gaa>g g2g2||