Bolt the Door (1)
(Redirected from Bolt the Door)
X:1 T:Jack's Health [1] T:Bolt the Door [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Single Jig S:From a workshop with English country dance fiddler Marshall Barron [AK] Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Ador g2f|:ecA A2B|G2E E2B|c2A B2G|A2B c2d| ecA A2B|G2E E2B|c2A B2G|1 ABA g2f:|2 ABA A2B|| cBA G2B|e3 d2B|c2A B2G|A2B c2d| ecA A2d|e3 d2 B|c2A B2A|G3 g2e| dBG G2 d|e3 d2B|c2A B2G|A2B c2d| ecA A2d|e2a a2f| g2e d2B|A3||