Duchess of Bedford's Reel (1)
(Redirected from Duchess of Bedford)
X:1 T:Duchess of Bedford's Reel [1] T:Duchess of Bedford M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F C|F/F/F FG AFAc|dfcA G2 GA|F/F/F FG AFAc|dgcA F2F:| |:fgag afcf|dfcA G2G2|fgag afcf|dfcA F2F2:| |:CFA,F CFBd|cAFA G2G2|CFA,F CF Bd|cAGA F2F2:| fgag afcf|cdfa g2g2|fgag afcf|dfcA F2F2| fgag afcf|cdfa g2ga|bage fdcf|cBAG F2F2||