Forneth House
X:1 T:Forneth House C:Robert Petrie (?) S:Petrie's Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c., 1790 Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 3/5/04 N:Petrie's First Collection, page 7 Q:"Slow" L:1/8 M:C R:Strathspey K:D A | F<AA>B A<FA>B | d/c/d/e/ f>e d<BB>d | F<AA>B A<Fd>B | (B/A/)(G/F/) (A/G/)(F/E/) D2 D :| f | a>ba<f d<Ad>f | e>f g/f/e/d/ B2 B>f | a>ba<f d<Ad<f | e>f (a/g/) (f/e/) d2 (d/e/f/g/) | a>ba<f d>Ad<f | (e/f/e/f/) (g/f/e/d/) B2 (B/c/d/B/) | A2 B/A/G/F/ F>dA<F | TE>DEF D2 D |]
T:Forneth House
B:John Gow – A Favorite Collection of Slow Airs,
B:Strathspeys and Reels (London, c. 1804, p. 15)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
A2|FA3A3B AF3A3B|(dcde) Tf3e dB3B3d|FA3A3B AF3 d3B|(BAGF) (AGFE) D4 D2:|
f2|a3baf3 dA3d3f|e3f gfed B4 B3f|a3ba2f2 3Adf3|e3f (agfe) d4 (defg)|
a3ba2f2 d3Adf3|(efef) (gfed) B4 (BcdB)|A2 (BA)(GF) A3d AF3|TE3DE2F2 D4 D2||