Girl I Left Behind Me (1) (The)
X:1 T:The Girl I Left Behind Me [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 S:Hime's Pocket Book for the German Flute or Violin, vol. III (c. 1810) [from Fleischmann, no. 5244] K:G g/f/|ec BA|BG EF|G3/2A/ G/A/B/c/|d3/2B/ gf/g/| ec BA|BE E/F/G/A/|B/A/G/F/ EF|G2G:|] |:e|ef gf/e/|fB Bd|ef g/f/e/d/|e3/2f/ gf/g/| ec BA|BE E/F/G/>A/|B/A/G/F/ EF|G2G|| B/c/|dB gf/g/|dB ba/g/|f/e/d/c/ B/A/G/F/|E/G/F/A/ G:|]
X:1 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1], The M:2/4 L:1/16 S:Rice_Walsh manuscript Z:Paul Kinder R:March K:G gf|edB^c dBA=c|BAGF EDEF|GFGA GABc|dedc B2gf| (3efg de (3Bcd Ac|BAGF EDEF|GFED EGFA|G4 G2:| |:BA|Bdef gfgb|agfe d2Bd|edef gfed|(3efg af g2fg| (3efg de (3Bcd Ac|BAGF EDEF|GFED EGFA|G4 G2:| |:gf|(3efg dB (3cde cA|(3Bcd BG FDEF|GBdB cdec|(3efg (3fga gfed| (3efg dB (3cde cA|(3Bcd BG FDEF|GFED EGFA|G4 G2:| |:GF|DGBd dcAB|cBGB BAFA|DGBd dcAg|(3fga gf gdBG| DGBd dcAB|cBGB BAFA|BAGA (3Bcd FA|G4 G2:| |:dc|BA (3Bcd ed (3efg|(3fga gf gdBG|BA (3Bcd ed (3efg|(3fga gf g2fg| (3efg dB (3cde cA|(3Bcd BG FDEc|(3BdB GB (3AcA FA|G4 G2:||
X:3 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1], The M:2/4 L:1/16 H:John Carroll manuscript, c. 1804-1812 Z:Paul Tyler B:55.2 K:G g2|edcB cBAG|GABG E3F|G2G2 GABc|d3c B3g| edcB cBAG|GABG E2BA|GFED EGFA|G3 G3:| |:c2|B2d2 e2f2|g2ed B3A|B2d2 egfg|e4 g3e| edcB cBAG|GABG E2BA|GFED EGFA|G4 G2:||
X:1 T:Girl I Left Behind [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:John Bell (1783-1864) music manuscript collection (c. 1812) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G g|e2c B2A|B2G E2F|G2G G2B|d3 B2g| edc B2A|B2G (EF)G|FAF D2F|G3 G2:| |:c|B2d e2f|g2d B2G|GBd e2f|g3 f2g| edc B2A|B2G EFG|FAF D2F|G3G2:|]
X:33 C:Page 16 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1]. MBe.33, The A:England;Cumbria;Towcett B:Matthew Betham MS, Towcett Cumbria, 1815 Z:VMP - Hugh Taylor, 2012 M:C| L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 R: K:G g|dcBA BGEF|GGGB d2 Bg|dcBA BGEF|EADF G2 G:| |:c|Bdef gdBG|Bdef g2 ge|dcBA BGEF|FADF G2 G:|
X:1 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1], The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"With tender expression" N:”Author and date unknown.” B:Bunting – Ancient Music of Ireland (1840, No. 57, p. 43) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Eb (e/d/)|c(B/A/) (.G.F)|{A}(G/F/)(G/E/) (.C>.D)|(.E.E) (E/F/)(G/A/)|(.B>.A.G) (e/d/)| (c/B/)(A/G/) (B/A/)(G/F/)|{A}(G/F/)(G/E/) (.C.F)|(E/D/)(C/B,/) (.C.D)|(E2 E):| |:.B|.c>.B .c.d|eB2 B|(.c>.B .c.d)|(e2c) (e/d/)| (c/B/)(A/G/) (B/A/)(G/F/)|{A}(G/F/)(G/E/) (.C.F)|(E/D/)(C/B,/) (.C.D)|(E2E):|]
X:1 T:Girl I left behind me [1], The M:C| L:1/8 R:Air S:John Rook music manuscript collection (Waverton, Cumbria, 1840, p. 154) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B2|d2 B2B2 Ac|BAGF E2 EF|G2 G2 GABc|d4 B2g2| d2B2B2 Ac|BAGF E2 AG|F2D2E2F2|G4 G2|| d2|e2f2g2e2|f2d2B2d2|e2f2 gfed|e3f g2 fe| d2B2B2 Ac|BAGF E2 AG|F2D2E2F2|G4 G||
X:1 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1], The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:”Moderato” B:J. Clinton – Gems of Ireland:200 Airs (1841, No. 15, p. 8) H:Irish-born Clinton was a flute teacher for the Royal Academy, London Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C (c'/b/)|(ae).e.d|(ecA>).B|.c>.B .c/.d/.e/.f/|(g>fe) c'/b/| (ae).e.d|(e/d/c/B/) .A(c|B)(G/B/ A/c/B/d/)|(c>dc)|| |:(c/d/)|(eg).a.b.|(c'g)e (c/d/)|(eg).a.b|(c'2b) (c'/b/)| (ae).e d/e/|(fe).d.c Ac|.B(G/B/ A/c/B/d/)|(c>dc):|]
X:1 T:Girl I Left Behind [1], The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Finnegan/Curtin Manuscript (Sliabh Luachra, Co. Cork, mid-19th century, No. 28, p. 11) B: N:The ms. predates the introduction of quadrille-based polkas and slides that N:now characterize the music of Sliabh Luachra region, thought to have been N:introduced in the latter 19th century. S:Breandán Breathnach (1912-85) obtained the ms. from E. Finnegan, who had it S:from D. Curtin of Stagmount, Rockchapel, Co Cork. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G gf|e2 de B2A2|GABG E2 EF|G2G2 GABc|d2c2B2 gf| e2 de B2A2|GABG E2G2|FADF EGFA|G4 G2:| |:Bd|e2B2g2 fg|efde B2d2|e2f2 gfed|e2f2g2 fg| e2 de B2A2|GABG E2G2|FADF EGFA|G4G2:|]
X:1 T:Girl I left behind Me, The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Moderato" B:P.M. Haverty – One Hundred Irish Airs vol. 2 (1858, No. 182, p. 82) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gdor f|(dB) (A>G)|(A>F) (D>E)|F>F (F/G/A/B/)|(c>B) (Af)| (dB) (A>G)|(A>F) D>E|(F>G) (A/G/F/E/)|D2 D|| c|(Ac) (d>e)|(f>c) (AF)|(A>c) (de)|f2 (ef)| (dB) (A>G)|(A>F) (D>E)|(F>G) (A/G/F/E/)|D2D||
X:1 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1] M:4/4 L:1/8 B:O'Flannagan - The Hibernia Collection (Boston, 1860, p. 15) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G cd|e2B2B2 Ac|BAGF E2D2|G3A GABc|d4 B2 cd| e2B2B2Ac|BAGF E2 FG|A2F2D2 EF|G4 G2:| |:GA|B2d2e2f2|g2d2B2 GA|B2d2e2f2|g4 gfed| e2B2 B2 Ac|BAGF E2 FG|A2F2D2 EF|G4 G2:|]
X:1 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1], The, with Variations M: L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:Clinton W. Bisbee (West Sumner, Me., August, 1904) N:The inscription on the front cover indicates the that contents were N:copied from the Dec. 25, 1864, music manuscript of Frank Richardson, N: who lived in a town called Mt. Vernon, Me., later called Canton, Me.. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G g/f/|eB c/B/A/G/|AG EF|G{A}G/F/ G/A/B/c/|d2 Be| d>B c/B/A/G/|AG EG|FA DE/F/|G2 G:| |:d|Bdef|gdBG|Bdef|g2 zd| e>d c/B/A/G/|AGEG|FA DE/F/|G2G:|] P:"Variation 1" d/c/|(B/G/).A/.B/ (c/d/).e/.f/|(g/f/).e/.d/ (c/B/).A/.G/|(B/G/).A/.B/ (c/d/).e/.f/|(g/a/).b/.a/ (g/f/).e/.d/| (e/f/).e/.d/ (c/B/).A/.G/|A/G/A/G/ E>G|F/G/A/B/ c/d/e/f/|g3 z:| P:"Variation 2" |:d/c/|B(3d/^c/d/ ef|g/b/d/g/ Bd/c/|B(3d/^c/d/ e/g/f/a/|gg/a/ b/a/g/f/| ee/d/ c/B/A/G/|A/B/A/G/ EG|Ff/e/ d/c/B/A/|G2-g:| P:"Variation 3" (3d/^c/d/|(3B/^A/B/ (3d/^c/d/ (3e/^d/e/ (3f/e/f/|(3g/f/e/(3d/c/d/ (3B/A/B/ (3G/F/G/|(3g/f/e/(3d/c/d/ (3B/A/B/ (3G/F/G/|(3g/d/B/ (3d/B/G/ (3D/G/B/ (3d/g/f/| (3e/f/e/ (3d/e/d/ (3c/d/e/ (3d/c/B/|(3A/B/A/ (3G/A/G/ (3E/F/E/ (3G/A/G/|(3F/d/c/ (3B/A/G/ (3F/E/D/ (3c/B/A/|(3G/B/d/ (3G/B/d/ g2:| P:"Variation 4" d/c/|B(e/4d/4/^c/4d/4) ef|g/d/B/G/ g/d/B/G/|Be/4d/4^c/4d/4 e/g/f/a/|g/f/g/a/ b/a/g/f/| e>d c/B/A/G/|A/B/A/G/ EG|E/F/G/A/ c/d/e/f/|f/d/B/d/ Gz:| P:"Variation 5" M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G g/f/|eBc BAG|ABG E2F|G2G GAB|d3 B2e| eBc BAG|ABG E2G|FGA DEF|G3 G2:| |:d|Bcd def|gfe dBG|Bcd def|ggg g2d| edc BAG|ABG EFG|FGA DEF|G3 G2:|]
X:1 T:Girl I Left behind Me, The N:No. 2 in a set of quadrilles with “Ballinamony Horo,” “Irish Washerwoman,” N: “My Love is but a Lassie Yet,” “Jackson’s Bottle of Claret.” M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 3, c. 1883, No. 92, p. 37) B: N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G g/f/|eBcA|B/A/G/F/ EF|GG/F/ G/A/B/c/|d2 e/f/g/f/| e/d/c/B/ cA/c/|B/A/G/F/ EG|F/A/F/D/ E/G/F/A/|G2 G2:| |:c|Bgfg|e/f/e/d/ BA|B/d/e/f/ g/f/e/d/|efg f/g/| e/d/c/B/ cA/c/|B/A/G/F/ EG|F/A/F/D/ E/G/F/A/|G2 G:|
X:1 T:Girl I Left behind Me, in the Scotch way T:Girl I Left behind Me [5] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Stephen Grier music manuscript collection (Book 3, c. 1883, No. 165, p. 53) B: N:Stephen Grier (c. 1824-1894) was a piper and fiddler from N:Newpark, Bohey, Gortletteragh, south Co. Leitrim. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G g|edc B2A|GBG E2F|GDG BGB|d3 efg| edc B2A|GBG EFG|AFD E2F|G3 G2:| |:c|B2g f2g|edc B2d|efg fed|e2f gfg| edc B2A|GBG EFG|AFD E2F|G3 G2:|]
X:4 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1], The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:T. Westrop's 120 Country Dances, Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, Strathspeys, Spanish B:Waltz etc. for the Violin, n.d. (c. 1923), no. 42 Z:R. Greig 2010 K:G (g/f/)|ec B>A|BG E>F|G>G G/A/B/c/|(d2B) (g/f/)| ec B>A|BG E>G|FA D(E/F/)|G>A G:|! (G/A/)|Bde>f|g>dB (G/A/)|Bdef|(g2f)(g/f/)| ecBA|B>G E(F/G/)|FA D(E/F/)|G>A G:|
X:5 T:Girl I Left Behind Me [1], The L:1/8 M:2/4 S:Shaw - Cowboy Dances (1943) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G g/f/|ed c/B/A/G/|AG E>F|GG G/A/B/c/|d2 B(g/f/)| ed c/B/A/G/|AG E>G|FA DE/F/|G2G2|| GB de/f/|gd B>G|Bd ef|g2 f(g/f/)| ed c/B/A/G/|AG E>G|FA DE/F/|G2G2||
X:1 T:Girl I Left behind Me, The M:C| L:1/8 N:From an August 24, 1966, field recording of the playing of Fidel N:Martin (1891-1976) of Berlin N.H., originally from Rogersville, NB, recorded N:by folklorist Art Rosenbaum. Martin, a WWI veteran, had a repertory that N:consisted of Acadian, Irish, American and French-Canadian tunes. D: F:UGA Brown Media Archives: identifier artrosen_0056 (Track 15 -08:27 on the tape) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G gf||Se2d2B2G2|ABAG E2DD|G2 GF GABc|d4 B2gf| e2d2B2G2|ABAG E2 A2|F2A2D2 EF|G4z2gf| e2d2B2G2| ABAG EDEF|GGGF GABc|d3d B2gf| e2d2B2G2|ABAG E2A2 |F2A2 D2 EF |G4G2G2|| P:B B2 dd e2f2|(gfe)d B2AG|B2d2e2f2|{ga}g4z2G2| B2dd e2f2|(gfe)d B2G2|B2d2e2f2|{ga}g4 gagfS|| P:Alternate 'B' GA|B2d2e2f2|(g/a/g/f/ e)d B2AG|B2d2e2f2|(g/a/g/f/)g-g2z2G2| B2d2e2f2|(g/a/g/f/ e)d B2AG|B2d2e2f2|(g/a/g)f2gagf||