Lucky Dick
X:1 % T:Lucky Dick M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance Tune B:John Walsh – Caledonian Country Dances vol. II (1737, No. 329, p. 69) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A A2a g2f|edc B3|c2d ecA|G2A BGE| A2a g2f|edc B3|c2d edc|BAG A3:| |:E2G B2e|d2c B3|ecA e2a|g2f e3| fdB d f2|ecA ce2|dBG AdB|{c}TB3 A3:|]
X:1 % T:Lucky Dick M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:T. Davis - "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1748." (No. 7) N:"With a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord with Figures or N:Directions to each Dance: Compos'd for the Entertainment and N:Diversion of Gentlemen & Ladies that are Lovers of English Dancing." N:"NB. Gentlemen and Ladies may depend they are all new and N:never danc'd before they were printed. Price 1S." N: Printed in London for H. Waylett at the black Lyon in Exeter Change N:in the Strand. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A A2a g2f|edc B3|c2d ecA|G2A BGE| A2a g2f|edc B3|c2e edc|BAG A3:| |:E2G B2e|d2c B3|ecA e2a|g2f e3| fdB d f2|ecA ce2|dBG AdB|{c}TB3 A3:||