Reel à neuf (1) (Le)
X:1 T:Reel à neuf [1], Le S:Louis Boudreault M:C| L:1/8 N:AAABBCCC' R:Reel F: K:G [G,3G3]B ddgg|ece/e/e dBc/B/A|BAGB ddgd|ece/e/e [D2d2][D2d2]:| |:[G,2D2] [G,G]A BBG(B/d/)|BAGB AGBB|[G,2D2][G,G]A BBG(B/d/)|BAGB AF[G,G]G| [G,2D2][G,G]A BBG(B/d/)|BAGB AGBB|[G,2D2][G,G]A BBGB|dBGB|AF[G,G]G:| [B3g3]g b[Bb][Bb][Bb]-|[B2b2] [G,Dd]f [ca]afa|aa[dg]g b[Bb][Bb][Bb]-|[B2b2][G,Dd]f aafa:| [B3g3]g b[Bb][Bb][Bb]-|[B2b2] [G,Dd]f [ca]afa|aa[dg]g b[Bb][Bb][Bb]-|[B2b2][G,Dd]f aafa g>g g2||
X:1 T:Reel à Neuf [1], Le N:Fiddle Hell Nov. 2021 N:A family tune from Louis "Pitou" Boudreault, as taught by Lisa N:Ornstein. Andre Alain has a version in three parts. There is a dance N:that goes with the tune. M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Fast" N:Play AABBAACC. M. Boudreault would vary the repetitions as he saw fit, often N:in response to the dancers. R:Reel Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G [M:2/4]G3B |[M:C|] d2d2 g2d2 |e2^c2- eec2|d2-B2 (=cBA2)| B2A2G2 B2|d2d2g2d2|e2^c2- ee c2|d4 [D4d4]:| |:[G,4D4]G2A2|B2B2G2B2|{c}B2-A2G2B2|A2(G2[G2B2])[G2B2]| |1 [G,4D4]G2A2|B2B2G2B2|{c}B2-A2G2B2|A2(F2[G2B2])[G2B2]:| |2[G,4D4]G2A2|B2B2G2(B2|d2B2)G2B2|A2(F2 [G2B2])[G2B2]|| [B3g3][Bg]|:[Bb][Bb][Bb][Bb] b-gdf|aafa aggg|[Bb][Bb][Bb][Bb] DG,[G,D][G,D] |aafa [B2g2][B2g2]:|