Annotation:Earl of Seafield's Waltz
X:1 T:Earl of Seafield('s Waltz) L:1/8 M:3/4 S:Marshall - 1845 Collection Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F f3 c/f/ e/d/c/B/|a3 f/e/ g/f/e/f/|(b2 b/)a/c'/b/ a/g/f/e/|c4 c>^c|d2e2 g>f| c2B2A2|G/A/B/c/ ^c/d/e/d/ d/D/B/>G/|F2 E>G F/E/D/C/|F3 c/f/ e/d/c/B/|a3 f/e/ g/f/e/f/| (b2 b/)a/c'/b/ a/g/f/e/|c4 c>^c|d2e2f2|c2B2 AF/f/|e/d/c/B/ A2 A/G/F/>G/|G4F2|| C>C C2C2|b2 a/g/a/b/ a>g|gceg b>a|a2 g>f f/e/d/c/|C>C C2C2| c'2 b/a/b/c'/ a>g|gceg b>a|a2 g>c d/c/=B/c/|fFAc f>_e|d>_e c>d Bd| gG=Bd g>f|e>f d>e c>f|aA cfag|bac'=b d'd|f/g/a/b/ a2 a/g/f/>g/|g4 f2||
EARL OF SEAFIELD('S WALTZ). Scottish, Waltz (3/4 time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Composed by Biography:William Marshall (1748-1833), presumably in honor of either Francis William Ogilvy-Grant, 6th Earl of Seafield (1778-1853) or his predecessor, Sir Lewis Alexander Ogilvie-Grant, 9th Baronet who became 5th Earl of Seafield. The Ogilvie family belongs to Cullen and district, and the Grant clan to Strathspey.