Annotation:Mrs. Leis Hornpipe

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X: 1 T:Mrs Leis Hornpipe M:4/4 L:1/8 B:The Calvert Collection - Page 10 Z: Nigel Gatherer K:D fg|afaf d2 fd|ecec A2 GF|GABc defg|ecAc e2 ~fg | afaf d2 fd |ecec A2 GF| Ggbg fdec|[d2F2][d2F2][d2F2] || dd/e/ | fdec B2 ga |b2 [e2G2] [e2G2] cc/d/ | ecdB A2 fg| a2 [d2F2] [d2F2] A2 | BcdB AFAF| BcdB AFAF| Ggbg fdec| [d2F2][d2F2][d2F2]||

MRS. LEIS HORNPIPE. Scottish, Hornpipe. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The tune was published in 1799 by Thomas Calvert, a musician from Kelso, Scotland. A note with the collection states that Calvert supplied “a variety of music and instruments, instruments lent out, tun’d and repaired.”

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Printed sources : - Calvert (A Collection of Marches & Quick Steps, Strathspeys & Reels), 1799; p. 10.

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