Annotation:General Stewart
X: 1 T:Captain David Stewart 42nd Royal Highlanders-Afterwards General Stewart R:Reel B:The Athole Collection M:C| L:1/8 F: K:D E|DddA FDAF|E=ccG ECEG|DddA FGAg|fdef d/d/d d:| g|f>eda fdaf|ge=cg ecge|f>eda dfaf|ecge d/d/d dg| f>eda fdaf|ge=cg ecge|dfeg fagb|afge d/d/d d||
GENERAL STEWART. AKA - "General David Stewart." AKA and see "Captain David Stewart 42nd Royal Highlander's Reel," "Lady Muir MacKenzie," "Mrs. Muir MacKenzies." Scottish, Canadian; Reel (whole or cut time). Canada, Cape Breton. D Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. The tune often follows "Athole Brose" in a stepdance medley on Cape Breton (as it does, for example, on John L. MacDonald's recording).