Annotation:Hush the Cat from the Bacon (1)
(Redirected from Hush the Cat from the Bacon (1))
X:1 T:Hush the Cat from the Bacon [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:"From P. Carew's MSS" B:Stanford/Petrie, No. 946 (1905) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D A|Add Add|e/f/ed c2A|Add Add|e/f/ed cAG| Add Add|e/f/ed c2d|eaa gec|edd d2|| f/g/|aba gag|fed ecA|A/c/BA c2d|cAd cAG| Add Add|e/f/ed c2d|eaa gec|edd d2||
HUSH THE CAT FROM THE BACON [1]. AKA - "Huish the Cat from the Bacon." AKA and see "Cat and the Bacon (The)." Irish, Jig. Ireland, County Cork. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB.
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