Annotation:Jacques Cartier
X:2 T:Reel Jacques-Cartier C:Joseph Allard M:2/4 L:1/16 Z:Transcribed by Bruce Osborne K:Bb FE|DFBF dBFD|EGBG ecAc|Bdfd gfec|BdcB AcBG|! DFBF dBFD|EGBG ecAc|Bdfd gfec|Bgfd B2:|! |:fe|dfBd cecA|FAcA BcdB|FBdB edcB|Af=eg f2f_e|! dfBd cecA|FAcA BcdB|FBdB ecAc|Bgfd B2:|!
JACQUES CARTIER (Reel Jacques-Cartier). AKA and see "Glengarry (4)." Canadian (origianlly), New England; Reel. D Major (Messer, Miller & Perron): C Major (Carlin): B Flat Major (Cuillerier). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB (Carlin and Messer have their coarse and fine ('A' and 'B') parts reversed from each other): AA'BB' (Cuillerier). Jaques Cartier [1] (1491-1557) was a Breton explorer who mapped the wilds of New France and claimed the territory for France. The reel was recorded in 1930 by fiddler Joseph Allard [2] (1873-1947), with piano and Jew's harp accompaniment. Victor Records chose to release the same recording under two titles at the same time, "Reel Jacques-Cartier" and "Reel Glengarry (4)."