20th of May (The)
X:1 T:20th of May, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:William Clark of Lincoln music manuscript collection (1770, No. 32) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb BFDF BdcB|cAFA cedc|dafe gedc|dfAc BAGF| BFDF BdcB|cAFA cedc|dagf dgfe|dcBA B4:| |:BABc BABc|Bcde f2F2|GFGA GFGA|GABc d2D2| EDEF EDEF|EFGA B2B,2|C2 f2 f2 ed|dcBA B4:|]
X:1115 T:20th of May Hornpipe.Roose.1115, The T:Twentieth of May Hp. Roose.1115 T:Tomorrow Morning,aka. Roose.1115 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project. Rob Lands 2019 M:C| L:1/8 Q:1/2=80 R:.hornpipe N:Edward Holmes MS, c1846, Beverley, Yorkshire. N:The William Clarke MS, Lincoln. WCl.32. 1770. K:Bb B>FD>F B>dc>B | c>AF>A c>ed>c | d>bf>d e>ge>c | d>fA>c B>AG>F | B>FD>F B>dc>B | c>AF>A c>ed>c | d>bf>d g2fe | dcBAB4 :| |:B>AB>c B>AB>c | B>cd>e f3F | G>FG>A G>FG>A | G>AB>c d3D | E>DE>F E>DE>F | E>FG>A B3B, | C2g2f>de>c | B2F>DB,4 :|
X: 1 T:Twentieth of May R:Hornpipe S:Anon. MS, late 18thC, Vaughan Williams Mem. Library N:Very hornpipey.. N:Added second title, for search programs. PJH. O:England;Yorkshire Z:vmp/efdss.Simon Wilson. Reviewed PJH 2008. M:C| L:1/8 Q:1/2=80 F:http://www.village-music-project.org.uk/abc/Vwml_anon_1.abc K:Bb BFDF BdcB|cAFA cedc|dbfd egec|dfAc BAGF| BFDF BdcB|cAFA cedc|dbfd g2fe|dcBA B2B,2:| |:B>ABc B>ABc|Bcde f3d|G>FGA G>FGA|GABc d3D| E>DEF E>DEF|EFGA B3B,|C3g fdec|B2FD B,4:|