Acorn Hill (Breakdown)
X:1 T:Acorn Hill C:Tommy Jackson M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Fast" D: D:Decca, Tommy Jackson - "Square Dances without Calls" (1959) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D e2-|fafe dcde| fded BcdB|A[FA]EF AFDF|[E3A3]F [E2A2][FA][EA]| [D2A2] FG AFEF |GABd gfed|cdeg ageg|f[d2f2]g [d2f2]:| |:de|fgaf dcde | fgaf bfag|fgaf dded|[B3e3][ce] [B4e4]| efga gfed|Bcde dBGB|Ace^g a=geg|f[d2f2]g [d2f2]:|
X:1 T:Acorn Hill N:From the playing of Garry Harrison & The Mule Team, who had it N:from Charles Cruson of Rosiclare, recorded in 1977 by Steve Harrison N:and Lynn Smith. C:Tommy Jackson M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Fast" D: D:Garry Harrison & The Mule Team - Red Prairie Dawn (2000) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A e2-|f2 af dedB|ABAG FGFE|DEFF ABAF|[E3A3]F [E2A2]FE| DEFG AcBA|G2 ef gfec|A2eg- agfe|ed[df][df][d2f2]:| |:e2-|f2 af dAdd|+slide+f2 aa baaf|dAfg agfe|[B3e3]-[ce] [B4e4]| efga gfee|BABc dcBd|cBcd egfe|ed[df][df][d2f2]:|]