Annotation:Bogadh Faoi Shúsa

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X:1 T:Bogadh Faoi Shúsa M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Hop Jig S:Joyce - Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin EEE E2F G2B | EEE G2B AFD | EEE E2F G2B | ABA AFD FGA :| |: BcB ABA G2 | BcB BGE FGA | BcB ABA G2B | ABA AFD FGA :| |: BcB eBA G2A | BcB BGE FGA | BcB eBA G2B | ABA AFD FGA :| N:The next part is the first part played an octave higher N:The next part is the second part played an octave highter |:ddB dBA G2A | BcB BGE GAB | edB dBA G2B | ABA AFD FGA :| |: gfe efe g2e | gfe ege bge | gfe efe g2b | aba afd fga :| |: gfe fed edB | dBA BGE GAB | gfe fed edB | ABA AFD FGA :| |: B,EE B,FF B,GG | B,FF G2B AFD | B,EE B,FF B,GB | ABA AFD FGA :| |:gfe fed e2f | gfe g2a bge | gfe fed edB | ABA AFD FGA :||

BOGADH FAOI SHÚSA (Motion Under a Blanket). AKA - "Bugga Fee Hoosa" (Englished title). Irish, Hop Jig (9/8 time). E Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCA'A'B'B' DDEEFFGGHH. "Bogadh Faoi Shúsa" is similar to the well-known and popular slip jig "Kid on the Mountain (1) (The)," covering the same melodic material (as does the similar "Spatter the Dew (2)"). "A favorite Munster dance-tune. In Standford-Petrie there is a tune with this title, consisting of two short parts, which, although in the same measure as this (9/8), can hardly be considered as the same air. The version given here (in eight parts) from Mr. Deasy (through the Cork musician and music collector William Forde, c.1795–1850) is the one universally known in Munster" [Joyce]. Joyce declined to translate the bawdy title.

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Printed sources : - Joyce (Old Irish Folk Music and Songs), 1909; No. 479, p. 265.

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