Annotation:Carpenter’s Maggot

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X:1 T:Carpenter’s Maggot M:6/4 L:1/8 N:”Longways for as many as will.” B:John Walsh – Complete Country Dancing-Master, Volume the Fourth B:(London, 1740, No. 113) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D D3ED2 F2A2A2|d6 f6|e3f e2 e2B2d2|c6 A4 a2| b3a g2 (fg a2)c2|d2B2e2 c4A2|Bc d2B2 cd e2A2|Bc d2B2 cd e2A2| a6f3g f2|g2c2d2e2B2c2|d6 D6||f2d2d2g3a b2|a2 (ba) (gf) g4a2| (f2e2)d2B2 Bc d2|c2a2c2 B2a2g2|a6A6|f2d2d2c2a2a2| e2c2c2B2g2g2|d2B2B2A2f2f2|G2e2e2F2d2d2|E2d2c2 d4F2| G3A B2A2 GFED|CD E2A,2a6|f3gf2 e2B2c2|d6 D6||

CARPENTER'S MAGGOT. English, Jig (6/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The melody and dance directions appear in London publisher Henry Playford's Dancing Master, 11th edition (1701), and was retained in the long-running Dancing Master series through the 18th and last edition of 1728 (then published by John Young). It was also published by John Young in the several editions of The Compleat Country Dancing Master beginning in 1718. London musician Thomas Hammersley entered it into his 1790 music manuscript collection.

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Printed sources : - Walsh (Complete Country Dancing-Master, Volume the Fourth), London, 1740; No. 113.

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