Annotation:Diamond (1)

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X:1 T:Diamond [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 S:Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A e | c/A/E/A/ c/e/a/e/|d/c/B/A/ G/A/B/d/|c/A/c/e/ a/g/a/f/|e/a/g/b/ a/f/e/d/| c/A/E/A/ c/e/a/e/|d/c/B/A/ G/A/B/d/ |c/A/c/e/ aa/f/|e/d/c/B/ A|| (f/g/)|ag/f/ f/e/e/c/|d/c/B/A/ G/A/f/g/|ag/f/ f/e/e/c/|f/A/g/A/ a/e/f/g/| a/g/a/g/ f/e/d/c/|d/c/B/A/ G/A/B/d/|(3c/B/A/.e/.A/ f/A/g/A/|(a/f/)e/d/ c/e/a/e/||

DIAMOND [1]. AKA and see "Dooley's Fancy." American, Reel. A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Although a connection with the tune, if any, is unknown, there were two dancers in the mid-1800's who went by the name Diamond. John Diamond was a young dancer who paired with banjo player (and also a dancer) Billy Whitlock (one of the original Virginia Minstrels). Whitlock later paired for a time with a young man named Frank Lynch, who also called himself Diamond, and frequently appeared in New York (Hans Nathan, Dan Emmett and the Rise of Early Negro Minstrelsy, 1962, p. 115). It may be that the name was chosen to highlight the 'value' of the reel, as several tunes with 'superlative' synonyms appear in Ryan's Mammoth and other 19th century collections. The first strain is shared with "Ferry Bridge Hornpipe," "Miss Butler's Reel," "Lady Elinor Butler's Reel" and "Bunch of Roses (1)" and, as a group predate the printing of "Diamond Reel" in Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883), placing the provenance for that strain, at least, in Ireland and Britain.

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Printed sources : - Cole (1000 Fiddle Tunes), 1940; pg. 18. Kennedy (Traditional Dance Music of Britain and Ireland: Reels and Rants), 1997; No. 32, p. 10. Ryan's Mammoth Collection, 1883; p. 41.

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