Annotation:Lasses of Limerick (2)

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X:55 T:Lasses of Limerick [2] M: 6/8 L: 1/8 B: John Walsh - Compleat Country-Dancing Master, vol. 6, 1754 (p. 55) K: C P:A gee {f}e2d | cGG {A}G2F| EFG ABc| def edc |! gee {f}e2d | cGG {A}G2F| EFG ABc|dcB c3:||! P:B |: gec g2g | fdf a2a | gec g2g | dBG A2c | ! GEG A2c | GEG A2c | GEG ABc | dcB c3:||

LASSES OF LIMERICK [2]. English (?), Jig and Country Dance (6/8 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Jean Duval compares the tune with Quebec fiddler Joseph Allard's "Quadrille de Beauharnois". The two tunes are quite similar for much of the first strain, but less so in the second. However, whether Allard's tune is derivative is speculative, as the similarity may be only coincidental.

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Printed sources : - John Walsh (The Compleat Country Dancing-Master. Volume the Sixth), London, 1754; p. 55.

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